Healthy snacks ^^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Many people like to eat snacks. Often snacks are high in calories and lead to weight gain. Stick to healthier snacks and you'll be fine. Here is some of the Healthy Snacks:

1. Yogurt
Choose yogurt that is fat free and lowest in sugar. Yogurt is not only a delicious snack , it contain source of calcium, protein, riboflavin and vitamin B 12.
2. Green salad
A green salad is a perfect low calorie snack during the day. It is good sources of many vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. They are also great sources of fiber.
3. Hard Boiled Eggs
We know that eggs are very nutritious. Eggs not only high in protein, it also provided vitamins and minerals. It is simple to prepare for everyone.
4. Toast With Peanut Butter
The key to keeping this snack healthy is to choose quality bread and peanut butter. For example, look for Ezekiel bread. It contains 9 essential amino acids, low in fat and no trans fats or cholesterol.


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