"Healthy drink" - Yakult

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yakult is a high quality probiotics in the form of a cultured milk drink. Probiotics are live good bacteria that when consumed in high numbers are scientifically proven to positively affect our health by improving the balance of our intestinal flora. Beside, Yakult help us to improve of bowel movement, maintains balance of intestinal flora, reduces harmful substances and also boosts the immune system.

What are inside Yakult?
  • High quality of probiotics
  • more than 30 billion Shirota strain per 80ml bottle
  • 0% fat
  • 0% cholesterol
  • no colourings
  • no preservatives
  • no stabilizer or conditioners
What are you waiting for ??You have to try this product....^.^

    ~10 Tips for healthy weight loss~

    The following easy "weight loss tips" will help you lose weight in a healthy way. 
    1. Eat slowly and chew each bite completely to decrease your appetite.
    2. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Its contains a lot of fiber, they fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. 
    3. Do not Skip Meals. Eat three small meals and two snacks daily instead of two or three huge meals.
    4. Exercise!Exercise increases your metabolism and burning off excess fat.
    5. Reduce your calorie intake. You need to cut back on the fast food, cakes, sweets, snacks, and various other foods that have a high number of calories.
    6. Avoid packaged and convenient foods. They are always high in fat and sodium content.
    7. Watch for Portion Size. Don't over eating.
    8. Understand Food Claims and Labels. A product labeled with fat free or sugar does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging.
    9. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Watch for the sugary drinks.
    10. Try not eating 3 hours or more before bed time.

    ~Top 10 Healthy taste good Foods~

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Are you looking for a list of foods that taste good and high in nutrition?? There are some foods that taste good and good for you.
    1. Apple -  It is a good source of pectin, a fiber that can lower down cholesterol and glucose levels in our body. Besides, it also a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects our body cells and aid in the absorption of folate and iron.
    2. Almonds - It is a good sources of fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamin E. Most of the fat in almonds is mono-unsaturated fat, which can help lower cholesterol levels, so it is good for our heart.
    3. Broccoli - It contains cancer fighting isothiocyanates and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients is a compounds that may help prevent diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C, it also providing fiber, calcium, potassium and folate.
    4. Blueberries -They are a rich, low-calorie source of fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Regular intake of blueberries may improve short-term memory and reduce the cellular damage associated with aging.
    5. Red beans - They are an excellent low-fat source of antioxidants, protein, dietary fiber and copper. They’re also a good source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and thiamin.
    6. Salmon - This fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to provide heart benefits. It is also low in saturated fat and cholesterol and is a good source of protein.
    7. Spinach - It is high in vitamin A and also is a good source of calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, riboflavin and vitamin B6 and C. The plant compounds in spinach may boost your immune system and help reduce your risk of certain types of cancer.
    8. Sweet potatoes - They are high in beta-carotene. Sweet potatoes are also high in vitamin C and a good source of fiber, vitamin B6 and potassium. 
    9. Turkey - It is one of the leanest protein foods and is low in calories, making it an excellent healthy food choice. Turkey also contains selenium which has been shown to inhibit cancer development, improve the immune system, and aid in the metabolism of our thyroid hormone. 
    10. Tomatoes - It contain high levels of lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and as such helps to protect the cells in our bodies from damage.

      "Negative calorie foods" !!! !!! !!!

      Sunday, January 16, 2011

      What is negative calorie food?? Negative calorie food refer to certain food that need more calories to digest than the calories present in the food. Body has to work hard to digest and absorb the food that we consume. It is likely that there may be certain foods that require more calories. The secret of negative calorie effect lies in the fact that these foods use more calories to digest than actual calories.

      If high fat food is consume, human body will store more calorie and the fat very easily goes to the waistline. On the other hand, the more you eat these negative calorie foods, the more will feel of fullness, thereby leaving a little chance of eating other fatty and oily foods. The other important thing about these negative calorie foods is that these can form part of a perfectly balance diet.

      List of Negative calorie Foods:
      apple, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon, mango, orange, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, tangerine

      asparagus, beet, broccoli, cabbage(green), carrot, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach, turnip

      What is your BMI ??

      BMI is stands for Body Mass Index. It is a calculation based on an individual's weight and height. You can use to determine if you are underweight, at a healthy weight, overweight or obese. It is very easy to calculate your BMI. You can calculate your BMI by using the following formula:

      BMI = Weight (kg) / [Height (m) x Height (m)]

      If Your BMI is Less than 18.5, you are underweight
      If Your BMI is 18.5 to less than 25, your weight is desirable
      If Your BMI is 25 to less than 30, you are overweight
      If Your BMI is 30 or more, you are obese

      "low fat" " low sugar" Dessert - Belly fruity

      Thursday, January 13, 2011

      Last year, Food Processing & Preservation and Food Technology students were participating in the food fair. There were eight students in our group and our food product was “Belly Fruity”.“Belly Fruity” consisted of four layers. The first layer was banana crumb with almond, second layer was cooked pineapple juices, third layer was papaya cream and the bottom layer was mango cream. The specialty of the product is that it promotes the regulation of the bowel by incorporating mango and papaya which both will help promote bowel movement. Hence the name belly fruity, where it is very fruity and it does not contribute much to weight gain. Beside,it was made of natural fruit juices containing sufficient amount of vitamin A, C, D, and many more.

      Mango, Papaya, Banana cakes, Pineapple, Gelatin, Lemon juices, Almonds, Cream replacer

      1. The skins of mangoes, pineapples, and papayas were peeled.
      2. Pineapple was blended and cooked with low temperature and cooled it down to the room temperature.
      3. Banana cakes was blended and added in some chopped almonds and melted butter.
      4. The mixture of banana cakes and chopped almonds was poured onto the baking pan. It was baked under 125 ̊C for 10 minutes.
      5. Mango fleshes were separated with the seeds and were blended with small amount of lemon juices.
      6. Papaya fleshes were then blended without adding in the lemon juices.
      7. Gelatin was dissolved in the hot water and stirred in the mangoes and papayas purees.
      8. The cream replacer was whipped until it is stiff.
      9. The fruits purees were added into the creams.
      10. The mango creams were poured into the plastic cup and followed by the papaya cream.
      11. Lastly, the pineapple jam was poured onto the cream and topped it with banana crusts.
      12. The products were stored under 4 ̊C in order to keep its wholesomeness.

      Healthy - "ABC soup" recipe

      Soup is perfect for a healthy diet. Making soup is really simple. Today, i want to share ABC soup's recipe. This healthy soup recipe is very easy and taste good.

      3 onions
      2 carrots
      2 tomatoes
      2 potatoes
      600 g chicken

      1. First, boil the water.
      2. Second, throw chicken into boiling water, cook until the meat is no longer pink.
      3. Then, throw carrots, potatoes, onions into boiling water too.
      4. After half an hour, just throw tomatoes.
      5. Cook the soup over a small fire about 1 hours.
      6. Serve hot.

      5 diet and nutrition tips

      Dr. Lisa Hark, registered dietician offers advice about a healthy diet. Hope that you can spend 1 min to finish watch this video, it is really useful. Enjoy it...^.^

      Healthy snacks ^^

      Many people like to eat snacks. Often snacks are high in calories and lead to weight gain. Stick to healthier snacks and you'll be fine. Here is some of the Healthy Snacks:

      1. Yogurt
      Choose yogurt that is fat free and lowest in sugar. Yogurt is not only a delicious snack , it contain source of calcium, protein, riboflavin and vitamin B 12.
      2. Green salad
      A green salad is a perfect low calorie snack during the day. It is good sources of many vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium. They are also great sources of fiber.
      3. Hard Boiled Eggs
      We know that eggs are very nutritious. Eggs not only high in protein, it also provided vitamins and minerals. It is simple to prepare for everyone.
      4. Toast With Peanut Butter
      The key to keeping this snack healthy is to choose quality bread and peanut butter. For example, look for Ezekiel bread. It contains 9 essential amino acids, low in fat and no trans fats or cholesterol.

      10 tips to healthy eating

      Wednesday, January 12, 2011

      Here is the list of 10 tips for Healthy Eating:
      1. Eat a variety of foods, don't only eat the foods that your love.
      2. Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates.
      3. Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables,choose more fiber-rich foods.
      4. Maintain a healthy body weight.
      5. Eat moderate portions and don't eliminate foods.
      6. Eat regularly, don't skipping meals,especially breakfast.
      7. Drink plenty of fluids, at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day!
      8. Limit total fat to 20-35% of calories, alcohol and limit salt to one teaspoon a day.
      9. Moderately physical activity.
      10.Get fewer than 10% of calories from saturated fatty acids and avoid trans fatty acids.

      REMEMBER that, it is all about balance. Balance diet is good for everyone!!

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